AI 2009: Advances in Artificial Intelligence– 22nd Australasian Joint ... - Google knygos
We are pleased to present this LNCS volume, the Proceedings of the 22nd A- tralasianJointConferenceonArti?cialIntelligence(AI2009),heldinMelbourne, Australia, December 1–4,2009.This long established annual regionalconference is a forum both for the presentation of researchadvances in arti?cial intelligence and for scienti?c interchange amongst researchers and practitioners in the ?eld of arti?cial intelligence. Conference attendees were also able to enjoy AI 2009 being co-located with the Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM 2009) and the 4th Australian Conference on Arti?cial Life (ACAL 2009). This year AI 2009 received 174 submissions, from authors of 30 di?erent countries. After an extensive peer review process where each submitted paper was rigorously reviewed by at least 2 (and in most cases 3) independent revi- ers, the best 68 papers were selected by the senior Program Committee for oral presentation at the conference and included in this volume, resulting in an - ceptance rate of 39%. The papers included in this volume cover a wide range of topics in arti?cial intelligence: from machine learning to natural language s- tems, from knowledge representation to soft computing, from theoretical issues to real-world applications. AI 2009 also included 11 tutorials, available through the First Australian Computational Intelligence Summer School (ACISS 2009). These tutorials – some introductory, some advanced – covered a wide range of research topics within arti?cial intelligence, including data mining, games, evolutionary c- putation, swarm optimization, intelligent agents, Bayesian and belief networks.